
127 原子质量数

Atomic Mass Number



The atomic mass number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom and is given the symbol A. The atomic mass number determines especially the atomic mass of atoms.


The atom consists of a small but massive nucleus surrounded by a cloud of rapidly moving electrons. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is called the atomic mass number (or the mass number) of the atom and is given the symbol A.



Neutron number plus atomic number equal atomic mass number: N+Z=A. The difference between the neutron number and the atomic number is known as the neutron excess: D = N – Z = A – 2Z.

中子数加上原子序数等于原子质量数:N+Z=A。中子数和原子序数之间的差异被称为中子过剩:D = N – Z = A – 2Z。

The atom’s chemical properties are determined by the number of protons and the number and arrangement of electrons. The configuration of these electrons follows the principles of quantum mechanics. The number of electrons in each element’s electron shells, particularly the outermost valence shell, is the primary factor determining its chemical bonding behavior. In the periodic table, the elements are listed to increase the atomic number Z.


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  • 浏览次数:85 次浏览
  • 发布日期:2024-01-23 22:12:13
  • 本文链接:http://www.liekang.com/285114.html
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