西餐礼仪 | 只花一分钟,熟悉西餐刀叉怎么用!




Originally, the traditional European method, once the fork was adopted as a utensil, was to transfer the fork to the right hand after cutting food, as it had been considered proper for all utensils to be used with the right hand only. This tradition was brought to America by British colonists and is still in use in the United States. Europe adopted the more rapid style of eating in relatively modern times.


The European style is to hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right. Once a bite-sized piece of food has been cut, it is conducted straight to the mouth by the left hand.



The knife and fork are both held with the handle running along the palm and extending out to be held by thumb and forefinger. This style is sometimes called “hidden handle”. Under no circumstances should the fork be held like a shovel, with all fingers wrapped around the base.



Tables are often set with two or more forks, meant to be used for different courses; for example, a salad fork, a meat fork, and a dessert fork.


Forks are used in order from outside to inside, with the exception of oyster forks, which are placed on the right side.



Setting the knife and fork handles in a 5 and 7 o’clock position with the fork tines turned downwards on the plate is used to indicate to the server or host that the diner has not yet finished with the meal, while placing them together, with the fork tines turned up and the blade of the knife facing inwards, is used to indicate that the diner has finished.


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